If your credit score is in the dumps, you have to do something about it! You can’t just kick your feet up and do nothing. Even if your credit score is great, you still have to do certain things to maintain your score so it does not drop. Below are Top Credit Tips That ACTUALLY WORK.
Credit Tip #1. If you have negative accounts on your credit report, you should get a Credit Sweep. We are not trying to be funny but we would much rather have 5 negative accounts than 25 negative accounts. A Credit Sweep will work through removing those negative accounts on your credit report through reporting errors and inconsistencies. We have a phenomenal Credit Sweep program.
The more negative items you have on your credit report, the more this will hold your credit score down, and will also offset the boost you can get with tradelines.
Credit Tip #2. Reduce your credit utilization. The best way to do this if you want to jack your score up quickly is to start paying off the lowest credit limit card that you have. Meaning if you have a 500 credit limit card that is maxed out, and a 7,000 card that is maxed out, start by paying down the 500 credit limit card so that the scoring algorithm recalculates your credit score when you pay it to under 30%. The FICO threshold before you get dinged is 30%. Anything higher than 30% then you have done pissed off FICO.
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